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THoM Product # 40041 - Corner Cupboard

Corner Cupboard

Catalog Description: A great space-saver. Corner cupboards were designed to be either freestanding or built-ins. The use of ornate columns and decorative carvings, as in this charming miniature, was common. 7 1/2"h x 3 3/4"w x 2"d.

Circa: 1730-1750

Style: Queen Anne

Period: Colonial

Design © 1978

1994 Retail: $20.95

Built Item ID: 0

Craftmark ID: 914

Craftmark Built ID: 0

Built Item Retail: $0.00

Corner cupboards were designed to either be freestanding or were built in. The majority of those that have survived are of the built-in type and the majority of these are still in the same room corner where they were built. The design of the corner cupboard was dictated either by the over-all decor of the room, or the corner cupboard was designed and the room decor was planned around it. The use of ornate columns, decorative carvings and elaborate pediments and finials was common. It presented the joiner a chance to demonstrate his skills. The built-in cabinets were finished to match the woodwork in the room while the free-standing versions were often finished like a piece of furniture. The type of finish usually dictated the type of wood used in constructing the cabinet.

Catalog image of Corner Cupboard
Finished kit of Corner Cupboard

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